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How do I register my child for the student care?Child/ward needs to be a student of Pei Chun Public School. After which, Parents/guardians who are interested in enrolling their child/ward in the student care program can register through the following means: Please contact the school for registration matters. Terence Ang (School Head of Department)
What are the selection criteria?In the event that the school-based SCC is oversubscribed, admission will be prioritised based on the needs of the students, which could include factors such as family circumstances, younger students, students in need of financial assistance, and other needs as deemed necessary by the school.
Who makes the final decision on the enrollment of student care?The operator will work closely with the school management to allocate the student care places based on the above selection criteria.
When do I make the rest of the payment after I am awarded a place in the student care?We will contact all successful applicants at a later date to come down to make the rest of the payment and purchase the centre’s T-shirt.
How do I know the outcome of the registration?Registration usually will start in Term 4, around late Sep/Oct 2023, and outcome will be out in Oct/Nov 2023. School will post the registration details via Parents Gateway (PG). If parents wish to speak to someone from the school, please contact Terence Ang (School Head of Department) at
Why is it compulsory to attend enrichment programme?As required by MOE guidelines in student care tender For the student care programme, the Supplier must include the following: Daily: One (1) hour of “Study-Time” every school day for students to complete homework and/or conduct self-revision with supervision. Weekly: At least two (2) hours of activity every week that would develop students’ character and values in line with the school vision, mission and values. At least two (2) hours of outdoor activities every week. At least two (2) hours of enrichment programmes/activities every week.
Is it compulsory to buy and wear Student Care Centre’s T-shirt?Please find below the following reasons for students to wear the Student Care Centre’s T-shirt: After a long day in school, it is important for the students to change into a clean shirt for hygiene purpose. Parent can allow your child to take a shower too (optional). We value the safety of your child dearly. We will be collaborating with the school to ensure that no student wearing the centre T-shirt is allowed to leave the school premises without parents’ pre-authorisation arrangement. When we bring students to excursion in an external environment, it is important to ensure quick recognition for the safety of every child under our care. At times, we may organize combined excursion which involves more than 500 students. Your child's safety is our major concern. It is also important for students to feel a sense of belonging when they are at the centre. In doing so, students will find it easier to adapt to the centre. During holidays, it is important for school security officers and school duty personnel to be able to identify Student Care students from other students.
Will you be providing assessment books in the Student Care?No. We are providing a holistic education for all students in the Student Care programme. We hope parents can understand that other than academic revision, your child will also need different activities to develop socio-emotionally and physically. In addition, we hope to give all students a venue to relax, enjoy and recharge so that they can focus better in their studies. Studies have shown that if a student continues to study in an uninteresting and stressful environment, he/she will not fare well in examinations.
What happens if my child cannot finish his/her school homework within the allocated time?The centre can allocate up to 2 hours for the child to complete his/her homework. If your child cannot finish his/her homework persistently, we will contact you to discuss solutions to resolve the issue.
Where will my child be eating lunch?Student Care students will be sharing tables with the rest of the school students in the canteen for their lunch. All students will queue up to collect their meals from our friendly staff.
Where will my child be having the tea break?Individual Centre Classrooms
How do I know what food is my child having?Our food are freshly prepared from our in-house catering, Ah Mah Cooks, every morning. Ace @ Work delivers nutritious, halal and well-balanced meals to our student care students. Vegetarian lunch is also available on request. Meals are aligned with Health Promotion Board (HPB)'s healthy eating guidelines. The Student Care Centre will leverage an App called Parents' Relationship Management System to communicate with parents. Food menu will be posted to the App at the beginning of the year.
Late Penalty ChargeAs additional cost is incurred when the Student Care Centre staff work overtime beyond 7.00 pm, we regret to inform you that we have implemented the following charges for late fetching of students based on the school clock. All late penalty charges collected will be used to pay overtime fees to the Student Care Centre staff
Withdrawal ProcedureWithdrawal Withdrawal form should be submitted no later than the 5th day of the month. Verbal notification will not be considered. For example: a) Notice date: 1-5 October, the last day of attendance of the child will be 31st October. You will be required to pay SCC fees for the month of October. b) Notice date: 6-31 October, the last day of attendance of the child will be 30th November. You will be required to pay SCC fees for the month of October and November. Withdrawal before June/ December Holidays Students who withdraw just before the June and December holiday period are not allowed to enrol in the SCC again within a period of 3 months from their last day at the SCC. Should you wish to enrol your child again within less than 3 months, you will be required to make payment for the preceding month(s). For example: Notice Date: 1-5 November 2023 Last day of Attendance: 30 November 2023 a) Re-enrolment date: 1 January 2024 Fees to be made: December 2023 b) Re-enrolment date: 1 February 2024 Fees to be made: December 2023, January 2024 c) Re-enrolment date: 1 March 2024 Fees to be made: March 2024 onwards
What can I do if I have other questions?For registration or school related matters, please contact Terence Ang (School Head of Department) at You can email your questions to us directly at Alternatively, you can contact us at 6677 4957 (Ms Erika, Centre Supervisor).

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